Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Behave yourself and never mind the rest (Postcard no.3)  

I would like to introduce you with the term of jihad. The meaning of this Arabic word is mostly misinterpreted and often translated as "holy war", but in pure linguistic sense it means the act of "striving, applying oneself, struggling, persevering". Regardless the fact are you religious or not, we all fight our major jihad within us. 

On daily bases we all struggle with choices and  decisions to be made, we contemplate about right and wrong in accordance with our morality and/or religion, but we ignore to name this process. 
Life is a long path full of road signs which do not lead you anywhere in particular, but which light up choices of your own making; some of them are easily noticeable, the others are hidden behind the tree brunches, but if we observe carefully, we will spot them with our peripheral vision. Off course, the signs can be ignored as well. It is a personal choice. We can take a road which we do not know where will take us, but for which we strongly feel that is the right one. 

The only right advice I could share is to follow your heart, even though I am aware how cheap this sounds. But, it is the truth. The only problem is misinterpretation of the phrase. I believe it sounds like a second-hand quotation to most of you, but the the simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. The heart is  beginning and the end of cosmos. The first place where one has to start self-seeking as well as seeking for God is ones heart.  I believe and strongly feel that all humans have a choice to follow one of their inner voices through the life: First one would be voice of mind which can help one to achieve great things; The other is voice of soul which can open different dimensions of understanding; The third one is voice of heart which seeks the truth. 

I advice my mind and soul from time to time, but I exclusively follow my heart. It reveals to me the meaning of my life; reveals my purpose in this world; reveals use of overwhelming love I fell for everyone and everything, and nevertheless, it reveals my obsession with truth. God is in everything, but everything is not a God. He is not born, but he is alive. He lives in my heart, He is a truth. He is the love I feel for everyone and everything exiting. I want to get close to Him; I want Him to be pleased with me.  

So, I behave and I never mind the rest. I behave not for people, not for expression of myself, nor impression of others, I behave because I feel the need to follow the truth and love I feel within me. Kill your ego and you will free yourself. Get ride off your ignorance and you will be happy. Feel unconditional love towards everyone and everything existing, to be able to love that charming boy who sleeps in your bed while you are reading this, or your cat which is sitting on your window right now. 

Behave yourself in accordance with your inner voices; constantly be aware of your jihad and as much as it seams to be difficult, constantly try to be on the path of your beliefs. Life is a journey and you are not suppose to arrive anywhere. As Beatrix Potter said: Behave yourself and never mind the rest. Find a balance and maintain it in your daily life. Live like you will die tomorrow and work like you will leave for eternity. Constantly have in mind that love rules the world and be generous, honest and tender to all living creatures. Let your actions be led by love you feel and you will be able to feel the accomplishment even in the smallest actions.  Believe and live your believes. Dream and live your dreams. Love and feel love. 

Love people, but if you are not capable of loving them, then respect them. Never harm, even if you were harmed by others. Love and happiness can only be found within oneself, but can be reflected to others. If you can, try to inspire the other people to love; to overcome their fears, to live their dreams, to find their happiness. 

Embrace your jihad and never mind the rest. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

Pray, love and contemplate (postcard no.2)

“Thank you,” the old man said. He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride.” 
The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway

Humans lost their humility somewhere on the highway of time. We are to occupied with proving we are worth of things and recognition which does not have any true meaning. Our hearts became empty empires where only the superficial longings can be found in the darkness.
What happen to the spirit? Where the souls vanished? Our hearts are ghost towns and we are sadly proud of it. Blindly, we are trying to justified our ignorance to ourselves with delusion, 'nothing can hurt us anymore', just because we were disappointed, humiliated or hurt once upon a time. We pay more attention to the appearance rather than to the essence of anything and everything.
We take care of our bodies and practice regularly, but do we take care of our souls and our hearts? If so, than how? 
We miss something and we are not able to detect what that exactly is; we are ready to grab that  'something' in the moment we recognize it, but are we capable for acknowledgement? 
What will you say after you read that our eternal longing is the longing for the love of God? Feel free to deny. It is a personal choice. 

It is also a personal path. Those who seek shall find what they are seeking for. For me, existence of God is a fact. For others perhaps is not, but no one can deny the divine force of perfect order and movement in the Universe. Observe the nature! Stare at the sea. Admire is's movement and force. Try to imagine what is under the surface that you did not had chance to see on the documentary TV shows. Think about the known world and yourself. Think about all people before you and the ones whom will come after. Think about your transience and feel proud to be part of harmonic cosmos. Think about others whom are alike; think about those whom are less lucky than you. Think about death as essential part of a life. Nevertheless, think about the world as a master piece. 
And you shall be able to understand the fragments and you shall find the path which will led you back to your heart. 

The love you are looking for is also looking for you. The love is not only the significant person in your life. Neither a religion is the occupation of retired people. Love and truth are worth of living and dying for. 

Learn to overcome your ego. Learn to feel constant hunger for knowledge. Learn to obey and to be humble. Accept that each person has their inner small doubts and fears within their inner small cosmos, but also believe that everyone is worth of  love and respect. 
Embrace the religion you feel close to, or revive the one you were given when you were born, but you rejected afterwards. Trust in Beloved One and in yourself. 

Pray, love and contemplate. 

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Your Love Is Poetry (postcard no.1)

Love is divine feeling and belongs to Beloved One, Whom plant the hidden seed within humans hearts. It has a great opportunity to grow, if we water it regularly and if we expose it to Light. Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote:
“No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books.” 

Regardless aforementioned, people are seeking for other people's love and affection. Each of us needs an ally on our path. We need someone to hold our hand and to whip off our fear of death, fear of pain and nevertheless, our fear of transience. 
So we love; we love individuals whom inspires us to be better person, those ones whom trust in us, the ones whom admires us and perhaps, they love us too.

The purest love shall be unconditional love, but I am doubting human's capability to maintain a course of cherishing such a profound emotion. Unfortunately, above everything else, we are simply humans, therefore, we hold an expectations and arrogance, not understanding clearly against whom; against other person or against ourselves.  

More poetry is needed indeed. But, we need to read it from another angle. We need to gravitate towards the idea of being the author, rather than the muse. Being the one whom is inspired with eternity, with unconditional love, with God, with pureness, with simplicity of someone's daily habit, with someone's appearance or someone's inner vulnerability.   

In order to feel love, at least the part of complexity that love contains, we need to expose ourselves, we need to reveal ourselves, we need to allow for our hearts to be touched and fractured into the smallest peaces by others.  
Because you cannot learn how to feel, neither how not to feel. 
Therefore, you cannot choose whom to love; you can only dive into love or ignore it once when you become aware of your emotions. 

You can read the poetry, relate to it and analyse it, but once when you start to wish you wrote it instead of wishing that it was written for you, you will be capable to contribute towards unconditional love. 

I trust humans are believers, I trust humans are tender lovers, but I am witnessing the lack of honesty, the lack of braveness, the lack of understanding, the ignorance and arrogance. Unfortunately, love does not live in those hearts, neither the empathy. Some people are building empire of emptiness in their hearts. They are delusional while thinking that that is a shield which will protect them from harm. 
To be touched by love, the one needs to experience the tears of sorrow as well as tears of joy.  Let us be moved by divine force; moved forward to understanding of existence, of beauty, of present moment and


Love is poetry and shall make you cry.