Saturday 27 February 2016

Your Love Is Poetry (postcard no.1)

Love is divine feeling and belongs to Beloved One, Whom plant the hidden seed within humans hearts. It has a great opportunity to grow, if we water it regularly and if we expose it to Light. Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote:
“No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books.” 

Regardless aforementioned, people are seeking for other people's love and affection. Each of us needs an ally on our path. We need someone to hold our hand and to whip off our fear of death, fear of pain and nevertheless, our fear of transience. 
So we love; we love individuals whom inspires us to be better person, those ones whom trust in us, the ones whom admires us and perhaps, they love us too.

The purest love shall be unconditional love, but I am doubting human's capability to maintain a course of cherishing such a profound emotion. Unfortunately, above everything else, we are simply humans, therefore, we hold an expectations and arrogance, not understanding clearly against whom; against other person or against ourselves.  

More poetry is needed indeed. But, we need to read it from another angle. We need to gravitate towards the idea of being the author, rather than the muse. Being the one whom is inspired with eternity, with unconditional love, with God, with pureness, with simplicity of someone's daily habit, with someone's appearance or someone's inner vulnerability.   

In order to feel love, at least the part of complexity that love contains, we need to expose ourselves, we need to reveal ourselves, we need to allow for our hearts to be touched and fractured into the smallest peaces by others.  
Because you cannot learn how to feel, neither how not to feel. 
Therefore, you cannot choose whom to love; you can only dive into love or ignore it once when you become aware of your emotions. 

You can read the poetry, relate to it and analyse it, but once when you start to wish you wrote it instead of wishing that it was written for you, you will be capable to contribute towards unconditional love. 

I trust humans are believers, I trust humans are tender lovers, but I am witnessing the lack of honesty, the lack of braveness, the lack of understanding, the ignorance and arrogance. Unfortunately, love does not live in those hearts, neither the empathy. Some people are building empire of emptiness in their hearts. They are delusional while thinking that that is a shield which will protect them from harm. 
To be touched by love, the one needs to experience the tears of sorrow as well as tears of joy.  Let us be moved by divine force; moved forward to understanding of existence, of beauty, of present moment and


Love is poetry and shall make you cry. 

Monday 1 February 2016

Hidden meaning behind the truth and a man within me

Men and women are using words differently, even when they are trying to express similar feelings, ideas or fears. I write and I talk as a woman, what I am, but I prefer a men way of using language. I find it to be more reduced in terms of being more clean, precise and honest. There is a theory that men are using more of their commonsense, while women are more focused on their emotions. As much as this perspective is referring to science (if anyhow), it seams like stereotype to me. 
Within my point of view this simplifying of perspective is on the same level as the idea that pink is a color for girls, while blue is reserved for boys. I love blue, I am blue, and nevertheless, I look very sexy in my marine blue short spring dress. 

I have a problem with women's need for complexity. They love issues, and they can spot them all around themselves. If there is no problem, there is an issue, off course. He did something or he did not do anything. He called or he did not called after all. He did what she wanted him to do, but he did not do it 'her way'.  
Then the hidden meanings! It is disturbing to analyze every men opinion or small talk, but that is what friends are for, right? It seams to me that women establish this general belief that all men are poets. No one would appreciate it more than I, but unfortunately, the men are only painfully honest and what they say it means exactly that; there is no hidden meaning. If he says he is not interested, that most certainly does not mean he loves you but he is afraid of commitment. Please, learn that rejection is a natural part of human relations and it should not affect your self-esteem.  How is different when you reject a man and when a man rejects you? Do not be a hypocrite. 

You see, I am not better then other women, but I am surly more honest and probably more brave. To tell you the truth, that did not took me anywhere need understanding; it only made things more difficult for me and for my potential partners or the one whom were my partners.  I am a women with the male principals; It is a weapon of mass destruction. 

In one of my very important love stories and partnerships, a man told me in affect that I am not a woman; that I just look like a woman, but that essentially I am a man in woman's body. Due to my hipper sensible nature (surprisingly, it gets on well with the man in me) and due to the fact that this words came from my loving partner, they deeply hurt my feelings. But, the main reason why something which was said in affect was able to hurt me is the truth in those words. Only you can be onto your inner truism.  I am the truth addict and I respect to meet the truth, even when it is opposite of what I expected to learn. 

So, face yourself first of all. Then you will be able to respect yourself and everyone and everything what surrounds you; including other person opinion or other person perspective.

Most likely, there is a man within me and I cherish him a lot. But, in the other hand, it is obvious that there was no man within my ex partner; otherwise, he would face me.